School-Inclusion Shadowing
“Prompting independence, not prompt dependence!”
School shadowing is available for students that are in a mainstream school setting, and could benefit from additional support from a Cayman ABA trained School Inclusion Shadow. Our Shadows are trained in Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) and Social Shadowing, & are supervised by BCBAs.
Through regular consulting with teachers, our skilled shadows will help modify classwork, give the teacher tools to be successful and encourage your child. Shadowing is meant to build independence by supporting your child only as long as they need us. We will use strategic fading techniques and only step in when needed.
Our Goal?
To have your child participating fully without a shadow by promoting independence and fading prompts systematically.
The role of a School Inclusion Shadow:
Cayman ABA’s School Inclusion Shadows…
Follow the goals from the school’s IEP, and/or any school-based goals written by the BCBA.
Assist the child with socialization goals as well as academic, adaptive, etc., goals. School is a social environment; the focus will not be on academic goals only.
Collect data on goals, behavioral data, and implement the behavior plan (if applicable).
Communicate success and deficits in the school goals or classroom environment to the teacher and family.
A school shadow is in the classroom to help the child meet goals, optimize learning, minimize or eliminate problem behaviors, and learn to attend in a group. A school shadow is not in the classroom to just follow the child around, sit and observe, serve as a teacher’s assistant/ run errands for the teacher all day, or ignore the child and play/interact with other students all day.
Guiding Socialization with Peers:
The school shadow is quick to notice and respond to opportunities for socialization, and to use prompting as necessary to help the child interact with peers.
The school shadow is careful to draw peers “to” the child and not “away” from the child. The school shadow is so fun and engaging that other students gain interest in the child simply because the school shadow is present.
The school shadow uses peer prompting, whisper prompts, or visual prompts as necessary to guide the child through social interactions. The school shadow does not prompt the child from across the room or perform other possibly socially stigmatizing actions.
The school shadow has a solid understanding of prompting and reinforcement, and uses these techniques with both the child and peers to promote appropriate social interactions.
Addressing Challenging Behaviors:
The school shadow will help the teacher implement a system of positive behavior support for their classroom, for the benefit of the child.
The school shadow ensures that appropriate behaviors are reinforced, and inappropriate behaviors are consistently addressed according to the BSP.
The school shadow will train the teacher on effective behavior management, and monitor the teacher for proper use of PBS strategies.
The school shadow will model appropriate PBS strategies and teaching, including effective behavior management, for the teacher and other school staff.
Fading Out the School Shadow:
The BCBA and the child's family will make sure that the school understands the goal is to transfer management of the child’s targeted behaviour strategies to the teacher and eventually fade the school shadow out of the classroom.
The school shadow will be vigilant to always systematically fade out prompts or visual supports (if applicable) that are used in the classroom, to help promote independence.
The BCBA will collaborate closely with the childs’ family, the teacher, and school staff to create a systematic plan to fade out the school shadow over time.
The shadow will provide guided feedback and modeling to the teacher and school staff on the best supportive strategies for the child, as well as how to handle problem behaviors, so the school staff will be knowledgeable and prepared for the ultimate fade out of the school shadow.
*The hourly rate is only available when fading the shadow, according to an inclusion transition plan.
What’s Included:
Functional behavioral assessment by the BCBA
Individualized behavior support plan (BSP) for the school setting
Once monthly meeting with parents and/or school team to check in on progress and collaborate on goals
Daily data-collection by the shadow, on progress towards goals
Once-monthly in-person supervision of the shadow by the supervising BCBA
BSP revision as needed, by the supervising BCBA